You are worthy of pleasure.You are worthy of feeling.
In a fast moving, fast paced, dopamine induced society, our capacity to sense and feel has been limited. It's time to change that and simply slow down.
Sensation is deeply personal
Appreciate the present moment
Helps to create healthy sustainable habits
Watch a short video about Primal Flow Dance
In today's fast-paced society, slowing down can be a powerful act of self-nurturance. In my sessions, I lead participants through diverse movement practices that soothe the nervous system and elicit profound bodily pleasure. Through a fusion of mindful breathing, intentional movement, and gentle tactile cues, my goal is to guide you in reestablishing a profound connection with your body and experiencing its sensations fully.
Current Classes
All of my classes are designed to empower participants by encouraging them to connect with their bodies and emotions in a safe, supportive environment.
Primal Flow Dance: Sensing for Women
Date Yourself: Meet the Love of Your Life - YOU!
Primal Flow Dance: Sensing for All
Workshops & Events
Feel & Vibe: For All
1:1 Sessions
Overview of class structure
Classes are offered as a 1-1.5 hour format,online and in-person.
Tiffany Anderjaska
Primal Flow Dance Creator
Intro & Orientation
Warm welcome and brief introduction to the class. This includes explaining the objectives, benefits, and structure of the session.
Warm up
Gentle and releasing movements and stretches,inspired by Yoga and Belly Dance, to prepare the body for more intense activity.
This is the core component of the class where Breathing and Sensing techniques and exercises are performed. This part of the class is more energetic, and has a variable of techniques depending on the class. There is a free dance as the last part of practice.
Relaxation in stillness and silence.
Cool-Down & Integration
Slow, gentle movements or stretches to gradually bring the body back to a resting state. This might also include a guided relaxation. This allows the body and mind to integrate the benefits of the session.
Closing & Reflection
Concluding the class with a short period of reflection or a final relaxation pose (e.g., Savasana in yoga), along with closing remarks or a brief discussion. We close the practice by laying on the ground on a yoga mat, with closed eyes and do gentle sensing and breathing. Here we come into a deep rest.
There will be a short reflection where participants can share about their experience.
I create meaningful
sessions and classes for the modern person
Ease Into Wellness: Sustainable health starts with easing up on the gas and embracing a slower, more mindful approach to life. For 1:1 Sessions fill out this form as well.
Tiffany Anderjaska
Primal Flow Dance Creator
Interested to host my classes or my workshops at your studio? Let's connect.
Frequently asked questions
Highlighting your strengths is important. Let's offer potential customers a clear view of what sets you apart from the competition.
Tell me more about the teacher.
Tiffany is an American-born Filipina, currently based in Berlin, Germany. She has worked in the Arts as an Actress and also in Business as an HR Business Partner. She has experienced multiple facilitation styles as well as holistic techniques. Some are: Clear Communication facilitation , Circling Europe, Agile Facilitator, Career Coach, Business Transformation, Holistic Massage and Somatic Body Work, Vipassana, Movement, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts. She combines her love of the arts, movement, meditation, and facilitation into the Primal Flow Dance classes and sessions she gives. She has been given the feedback that she hold a warm, enthusiastic, and calm space for practitioners to simply slow down, relax, and feel into the body.
How much is each class?
Classes are 15 euros per person. Also available to book via Urban Sports Club. If you would like to attend class, though finances are a barrier, please reach out directly to Tiffany.
What is the pleasure aspect of your classes?
Primal Flow Fance is about tapping into the natural, instinctual ways our bodies are designed to move. It emphasizes grounding, raw strength, and fluidity, allowing you to explore your body's full range of motion. Flow, on the other hand, involves moving seamlessly from one position to another, creating a sense of harmony and continuous motion. My classes blend these two approaches, creating a unique experience that fosters both inner strength and fluid grace.
Each session is centered on the individual. You'll engage in exercises that are designed to help you focus inward, without the need for physical contact with others unless it's specifically included in the session—and always with prior consent. This ensures a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.
Rest assured, our classes maintain a respectful atmosphere with no nudity involved. The focus is entirely on individual well-being, creating a space where you can feel at ease while exploring the depths of your body's capabilities.
Join us to experience how slow movement and primal flow dance can bring tranquility to your mind and joy to your body. Embrace the journey towards a more connected, relaxed, and vibrant you.
Who can join your classes?
I prioritize creating an inclusive environment where all participants feel comfortable and respected. All movements are adaptable to various fitness levels, and participants are encouraged to move at their own pace.
Where can I see your example works?
Currently video(s) are still a work in progress, though as soon as they are available they will be posted here.
What are the differences between each class?
Primal Flow Dance focuses on slower movements to release tension and to feel the body. It is also a class where you can tap into your own person sensuality.It’s about slowing down, connecting with your senses and to feel your body. Feel & Vibe is a refreshing and liberating class that combines guided and free movement to ignite the freedom of the heart, serotonin increase, and self-expression. This class creates a space where participants can sweat, and let go. Through a fusion of dance, rhythm, and intuitive movement, Feel & Vibe encourages individuals to embrace their unique expression. This dynamic and energetic class promotes physical fitness and empowers participants to tap into their authentic selves, fostering a sense of liberation, joy, and self-discovery. Date Yourself: Meet the Love of your Life - You! is an experience that combines both the Primal Flow Dance and Feel & Vibe class. This experience is for you to focus on yourself, your movement, your sensuality. Tiffany creates a live musical experience (when possible) with other musicians or solo, and shares a range of music from slower sensual sounds to faster upbeat melodies. The point of this experience is for you to really love spending this sensual and fun time with yourself, to focus on you!
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